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Modul Terbilang Visual Basic

tanpa banyak basa - basi, ini dia cara buat module program terbilang visual basic. sebagai penyempurna pembuatan program kwitansi Buat Module baru dengan nama Mod_terbilang : Function NumToText(dblValue As Double) As String Static ones(0 To 9) As String Static teens(0 To 9) As String Static tens(0 To 9) As String Static thousands(0 To 4) As String Dim i As Integer, nPosition As Integer Dim nDigit As Integer, bAllZeros As Integer Dim strResult As String, strTemp As String Dim tmpBuff As String ones(0) = "" ones(1) = "one" ones(2) = "two" ones(3) = "three" ones(4) = "four" ones(5) = "five" ones(6) = "six" ones(7) = "seven" ones(8) = "eight" ones(9) = "nine" teens(0) = "" teens(1) = "eleven" teens(2) = "twenteen" teens(3) = "thirteen" teens(4) = "fourteen" teens(5) = "fiveteen" teens(6) = "sixteen" teens(7) = "seventeen" teens(8) = "eighteen" teens(9) = "nineteen" tens(0) = "" tens(1) = "ten" tens(2) = "twenty" tens(3) = "thirty" tens(4) = "fourty" tens(5) = "fivety" tens(6) = "sixty" tens(7) = "seventy" tens(8) = "eighty" tens(9) = "ninety" thousands(0) = "" thousands(1) = "thousand" thousands(2) = "million" thousands(3) = "billion" thousands(4) = "triliun" 'Errors Handler On Error GoTo NumToTextError 'Bagian akhir strResult = "rupiah " 'Konversi ke string Dim des, j, t1, t2 Dim ada As Boolean For j = 1 To Len(totalbiaya) des = Mid(totalbiaya, j, 1) If des = "." Or des = "," Then ada = True t1 = Mid(totalbiaya, 1, j - 1) t2 = Mid(totalbiaya, j 1) j = Len(totalbiaya) End If Next j If ada = True Then strTemp = CStr(Int(t1)) ada = False Else strTemp = CStr(Int(dblValue)) End If ' strTemp = CStr(Int(dblValue)) 'Diulang sebanyak panjang teks For i = Len(strTemp) To 1 Step -1 'Ambil nilai angka posisi ke-i nDigit = Val(Mid$(strTemp, i, 1)) 'Ambil posisi angka nPosition = (Len(strTemp) - i) 1 'Pilihan proses tergantung posisi satuan, puluhan, atau ratusan Select Case (nPosition Mod 3) Case 1 'Posisi satuan bAllZeros = False If i = 1 Then tmpBuff = ones(nDigit)

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